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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Alabama Has Fewer Fatalities in Motorcycle and Auto Accidents

Birmingham, Alabama roads have become increasingly safer since 2008 due to the Take Back Our Highways campaign started by Governor Bob Riley. The numbers of fatalities that have been a result of auto accidents and motorcycle accidents have decreased all over the state of Alabama. This is due, in large part, to the fact that law enforcement has engaged in more intelligent means of targeting dangerous drivers.

The Department of Public Safety has reported a steady decline of fatalities over the past couple of years. In 2008, 828 deaths were reported. The report also indicates that, for the first 3 quarters of 2010, there have been fewer than 375 fatalities. This decline in loss of life can also be attributed to drivers getting the message of the importance of driving safely.

Speeding, changing lanes abruptly, and driving while distracted are three of the most common causes of auto accidents. Accidents involving both automobiles and motorcycles in Birmingham, Alabama generally occur because drivers do not give motorcyclists adequate room on the road. Other issues than can lead to serious injuries or death include:

  • Driving under the influence
  • Driving without corrective lenses
  • Driving unsafely in bad weather conditions
  • Driving while sleep deprived
  • Driving while distracted
  • Not giving enough room between the vehicle and the motorcycle
  • Changing lanes too closely in front of a motorcycle

A motor vehicle accident can result in serious personal injury or wrongful death. If you or someone you love has been in a motor vehicle accident in Birmingham, Alabama, please contact the Cochran Firm today to schedule a consultation with a Birmingham auto accident attorney. You have rights and we will help you protect those rights.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 8:24 AM

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