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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What Is a TBI? Is There any Treatment?

TBI is an abbreviation that commonly refers to traumatic brain injury. This occurs when your brain suffers damage due to a sudden blow or impact. Often, the impact is not with any external object, but with the skull, caused by sudden acceleration or deceleration. The degree of injury is often hard to predict from the magnitude of the impact, because in many cases the most severe injury occurs after an accident or blow. A small trauma can lead to swelling or bleeding in the brain, which can pinch off blood vessels, depriving the brain of oxygen and resulting in widespread damage to brain cells. People who have suffered any level of trauma to the head should be observed for any signs of brain damage for 24-48 hours after the trauma.

 The main type of treatment for TBI is preventing further injury. If you have suffered a TBI, your doctors will attempt to gauge the extent of immediate injury, but may also try to stop swelling or bleeding to prevent further brain damage.

 There are no treatments for reversing brain damage, but there are many treatments available for trying to regain different brain functions after TBI, which may include:
• Physical therapy
• Speech therapy
• Occupational therapy
• Psychological or psychiatric therapy
• Social support

Often a TBI results in a permanent change to a person's life, resulting in a need for lifetime care and support. A TBI impacts not just one person, but that person's family, friends, and community. If you or a loved one has suffered a TBI, it can be hard to receive compensation that fits the true scale of your injury. At The Cochran Firm, our attorneys have experience fighting for victims against desperate odds. To learn whether we can help you, please contact The Cochran Firm today for a free case evaluation.

posted by Admin at 7:25 AM

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